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Our Approach

Teaching Children to Love Their World

little girl stacking legosChildtime’s educational philosophy is based on the Reggio Emilia approach, which in turn is founded on the belief that secure relationships with responsive and respectful adults provide the basis for all learning. Through wondrous classroom spaces and developmentally appropriate experiences, our dedicated teachers, administrators, and support staff are all committed to:

  • Providing a secure, caring, enriched environment that promotes learning and the development of the whole child.
  • Developing lifelong relationships and creating family solutions that enhance the quality of life for our children and their families.
  • Leveraging technology to develop innovative learning products and solutions.

We also know education is not a one-size-fits-all experience. That’s why we created the School Readiness Pathway, to provide educational options, empowering parents to choose the best fit for their child. Unique and individualized lesson plans are found in each classroom, in every school, based on the abilities, strengths, and needs of those particular children. The result: A customized early education that’s perfect for your child.

Because we developed it just for them.

Our Curriculum

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, our curriculum is founded on the idea that children learn through collaborative environments and strong connections.

Discover Reggio Emilia

Educating at Childtime

Our warm, nurturing educators are all passionate, highly experienced, and highly responsive, so you know your child is getting the best education possible.

Learn About Our Educators

See For Yourself

The best way to experience the magic of Childtime learning is to see it firsthand with a guided tour. We’re excited to meet you and your family.

Schedule a Tour