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Our Blog: April 27, 2016

Meet Our Childtime Staff – Ms. Liz, Lead Infant Teacher

IMG_3797Ms. Liz is the lead infant teacher at our location in Arnold, Missouri. She works with our littlest learners – ages six weeks to seven months – and has three years of experience at Childtime, as well as her Child Development Associate’s credential. Read our Q&A with Ms. Liz to learn more about this wonderful teacher!


How is it rewarding to work so closely with infants every day?

It’s very rewarding to watch a child working towards a milestone and to watch them master it and see everything they can do. And it’s rewarding to connect with the families and get to know everybody.

Can you talk a bit about the curriculum we implement in our infant program?

A lot of parents don’t realize we have a curriculum. I’ll show them the individual lesson plans we do as well as specific activities so they understand where the child is at and where we’re at with the students.

What do you love so much about the infant classroom?

I love being able to see the kids that were tiny when they started and now they’re walking and talking. The first year is so important and they grow so much and it’s really neat to see it. The parents get so excited and we get so excited. It’s really fun.

What does a typical day in your classroom look like?

I come in pretty early and I get all the kids at drop off time. Then we do diaper changes, feeding and breakfast. Then we do a group activity and then we normally have a reading time. I’ll get big books out and we can read them and touch the pages. Then we normally have a sensory activity planned with sensory bags or something textured fort them to play with. Their schedules are all so different in that room so we don’t really have a specific routine.

Speaking of schedules, how do you keep track of each child’s unique routine?

We hang up a list on the side of our diaper changing table that has all the information for each specific child. Everything they eat, when they eat, and so on. We make sure every child is taken care of how their parents want them to be taken care of.

What do you enjoy about working at Childtime?

I love how close of a team we are. Everyone here works together really well and we all get along so great that everything runs smoothly. I think that’s the main reason I’ve stayed here so long. I love it.
